International Journal of Business & Economic Development



International Journal of Business and Economics Development (IJBED) is a peer-reviewed, internationally refereed, and copyrighted journal edited and published by the International Center for Promoting Knowledge (ICPK), USA. IJBED, as “open-access journal”, aims to be able to provide the “center” for the scientific community engaged in business and economic development research worldwide, and, at the same time, producing interdisciplinary research. Our goal is to be at the forefront, and the premier journal in the field of global business and economics development from a global viewpoint to share the most influential research that advances our knowledge of global economic and business phenomenon.

Journal Information:

Title: International Journal of Business and Economic Development (IJBED)

  • ISSN (Print): 2692-5591
  • ISSN (Online): 2692-5583
  • Frequency: Quarterly
  • Nature: Print and Online
  • Submission E-mail:
  • Language of Publication: English

Aims & Scope

At IJBED our aim is an integrated platform, which provides researchers the sharing and communication opportunity of leading work in business and economics development. Multidisciplinarity is also encouraged and contributions for studies relating to and transcending fields such as management, marketing, finance, economics, banking and accountinge, human resources management, international business, hospitality and tourism, entrepreneurial development, business ethics, international relations, law, development studies, population research, econometrics, agricultural economics, managerial economics, international economics, labor economics, public finance, political economy, game theory, health economics, national economy, monetary and financial economics, economics of work and family, immigration economics, applied economics, behavioral and experimental economics, finance and education budgeting, regional economics, economic blocks, education of the economy, environmental economics and policy, industrial structure, strategy and public policy, the industrial organization, economic development, economic history, market design and electronic marketplaces, economics of natural resources and climate change, environmental economics and policy, industry structure, strategy, and policy, economic development of US states, US economic history, new innovation and the social and cognitive behaviors among the components of the human economic system (i.e., behavioral and experimental economics), finance and public policy, psychology and economics and theories of economics are solicited.

For a deeper understanding, see our Aims Scope page.

Publication Types

IJBED publishes a variety of scholarly works, including:

Original Papers: New research evidence leading to expansion of knowledge.

Review Papers: Comprehensive reviews of current research trends and developments.

Conceptual Frameworks: Theoretical models providing new perspectives on existing research.

Analytical and Simulation Models: Quantitative research of complex phenomena in virtue of data and computation.

Case Studies: Extensive case work, with examples of real life applications.

Empirical Research: Studies using data and empirical methods to investigate hypotheses.

Technical Notes: Technical overheads of studies designs or devices.

Book Reviews: Critical assessments of newly published books in the field.

On the other hand, we may also publish Special Issues on the most hot topics of business and social sciences dealing with some emerging trends and having an urge to start a serious discussion.

Please see our Submission Guidelines for what kind of publications we are able to accept.

Ethical Policy

We follow the guidelines of IJBED editor board’s tip of the editors. We are of the opinion that authors, reviewers, and editors should abide by virtues of truthfulness, openness and accountability. Our ethical policy ensures the rigor of the research process and the reliability of an article in which it has been published.

For more details, please visit our Ethical Policy page.


IJBED is listed in multiple well known databases, so that our published findings are accessible to a broad audience. The fact that this is achieved by raising the visibility and therefore the impact at time of publication in our journal is discussed here.

Our Indexing page contains an inventory of indexing services.

Submission and Review Process

We also call on researchers to submit manuscript by e.mail to Submissions undergo deep scrutiny by means of peer-review, in order to guarantee high quality and paper suitability. Editorial board strives to provide both timely and appropriate opinions, and the best quality research.

See our Submission Guidelines page for detailed submission instructions.


International Journal of Business and Economics Development (IJBED) is more than just an academic journal, it is a knowledge and thought hub in the globe. Through interdisciplinary work and interdisciplinary collaboration, IJBED is attempting to make a substantial contribution to this evolution in the domain of business and economic development, namely and not necessarily exclusive to, entrepreneurship. We are happy to have you be a part of finding new knowledge and generating innovation. Subscribe to IJBED today and stay updated on the state of the art and research in business and economics.

Additional information is available on the Contact page and by contacting us at

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